Sunday, May 9, 2010

HTC Hero 2.1 Update Delayed In Alaska

The last week, the news have leaked out around the country that the Android 2.1 upgrade for the HTC Hero for various carriers has been delayed. Sprint seems to have taken the most public step back by announcing that the update will now be available in Q2 2010 as opposed to this month.

How does this affect those of us that live in Alaska? Well, not surprisingly, both ACS and GCI has announced on their Facebook pages that the upgrade has been delayed for their customers as well. Although this is certainly a disappointment since it seemed to be right around the corner, at least it's reassuring to know that all the bugs are being worked out first.

Of course, if you want more of Android 2.1 for your Hero right now (being the impatient society that we are), check out this review of a leaked 2.1 ROM over at Android Police. With a walk-through of the new features and a ton of screenshots, it will only get you more excited about something you don't have yet.

On a side note, the delay does bring up an interesting question. Does this delay have anything to do with the coming release of Android 2.2?